Whole House Retrofit Plan (Passivhaus modelled version)
Whole House Retrofit Plan
Architects and those wishing to undertake a ‘deep’ retrofit of their home, need greater accuracy than is delivered by the lower cost plan version.
To meet this need and to overcome the SAP problem referred to above, we offer a service that models the whole house using the ‘Passivhaus Planning Package’ (PHPP).
PHPP is a highly accurate tool that estimates heat losses through the building fabric, windows, ventilation; allows overheating risk to be calculated, and predicts the efficiency of different types of heat pump and solar panels and solar hot water. It enables the future house to be designed to be highly energy efficient, and adequately shaded to avoid overheating.
The output of this service is a full report on how to remodel your home, and what the predicted effects are of each step along the way. It acts as a design brief for the architect or homeowner to take their retrofit forward, and also includes a step by step plan showing the ideal sequence of works by which the retrofit can most efficiently be done without re-work.
We offer a fixed price service to develop the whole house retrofit plan including the outputs shown in the image opposite.
Please contact us to get a quote for this plan.
What you get (example output)